Month: November 2022

burning fat through sweating

Does Sweating Burn Fat? The Truth About Sweating & Weight Loss

Have you ever experienced that unrivalled post-workout glow that makes you feel fresh and radiant despite the sweat dripping down your back?  For some people, an effective workout is when your skin turns red and your back is drenched in sweat.  A good intense workout can really make you sweat buckets, so it’s natural to …

Does Sweating Burn Fat? The Truth About Sweating & Weight Loss Read More »

gaining weight while eating less and running more

Why Eating Less and Running More Can Actually Cause Weight Gain

You’ve heard it before – to lose weight, you need to cut calories and increase activity.  In theory, it makes logical sense. Running more means burning more calories, and eating less means cutting calories.  But the trouble is that this doesn’t work in the long run. Eating plain chicken and setting new milestones is not …

Why Eating Less and Running More Can Actually Cause Weight Gain Read More »

everything about macronutrients

Everything You Need to Know About Macronutrients

Macronutrients, or macros, are essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Macronutrients help your body function optimally and provide it with the energy needed to carry out daily activities.  Similar to calories, macronutrients are measurable units of energy you get from  food. For years, traditional diets focused on restricting the daily calorie intake without …

Everything You Need to Know About Macronutrients Read More »

hold yourself accountable for weight loss

10 Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable for Weight Loss

Throughout my career, I’ve met lots of women who find it difficult to stick to a diet and workout routine because they are unable to hold themselves accountable. The result is that they simply fail to achieve their weight loss goals.  Here’s a pretty common scenario: You’ve decided to lose some kilos because you’re not …

10 Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable for Weight Loss Read More »

weight loss self sabotage

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts

Sabotaging your weight loss journey means more than just giving in to food cravings (however, a word to the wise: I personally believe that allowing yourself to indulge here and there is better than trying to resist food cravings). It happens when you sidetrack weight loss with food deprivation or fall into the trap of …

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts Read More »

weight training for women vs men

Weight Training for Women Vs. Men: Is There a Difference?

My inbox is often flooded with the question, “Are there any differences between strength training for women vs men?” The common belief is that women shouldn’t do as much as men because it will make them bulky (you can read the science-backed reasons why strength training won’t make you bulky here). This myth is so …

Weight Training for Women Vs. Men: Is There a Difference? Read More »

weight training doesn't make you bulky

The Myth That Won’t Die: Does Weight Training Make You Bulky?

“Will lifting weights make me bulky?” This is the most frequently asked question that pops up in my inbox and the most common concern that prevents women from lifting weights.  They want a toned and defined body, but they don’t want to look bulky and manly.  So, they skip the weights while crushing it daily …

The Myth That Won’t Die: Does Weight Training Make You Bulky? Read More »

working out on period

What You Need to Know About Periods and Physical Activity 

Are you concerned about how your period will affect your workout routine? Especially when you experience symptoms such as bloating, stomach upset, fatigue, and headache, you may want to ditch the gym during that time of the month.   As a woman, I understand the dread and lack of motivation that often arrive when the “crimson …

What You Need to Know About Periods and Physical Activity  Read More »

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