One-on-One Coaching

Imagine a Life Where You Live Without Food Obsession and Feel Proud of Yourself - Both Inside and Out

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Are you tired of your food and body struggle? Want to regain your confidence?

You’re in the right place.

You don’t have to torture your body with unhealthy diets to be accepted and respected.

You don’t have to get stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting to finally love who you see in the mirror.

If you’ve lost your belief in your ability to work towards a better you, I’m glad you’re here.

Because there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

I know from my own experience that you CAN quit dieting and gain the confidence to live a happy life without giving up your favourite foods.

So, if you’re secretly obsessing about your weight, binge eating when life gets crazy, letting the number on the scale wreck your self-esteem, and worrying about the impact your habits are having on your health, we need to talk.

You are not broken. You are simply a victim of a diet culture created by a broken system.

Dieting, not food, is your real enemy.

Always thinking about what you should eat is no way to live your life. Not to mention that a whopping 95% of diets fail.

Just imagine the difference…

  • Eating in a way that honours your body and helps you lose weight (AND includes chocolate too) without depriving yourself or fixating on your next food binge
  • Not obsessing about when, what, and how much to eat, or what food group to cut out
  • No more self-loathing that follows every slip-up
  • Eat the food you love and be completely guilt-free
  • End the diet drama and feed your body to burn fat, finally and forever

With Bring on Life Method™, you’ll get this and so much more.

By the end of our time together you’ll have removed blocks and obstacles that have been getting in your way of building a body you can be proud of and have the ability to move through life more confidently.

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Bring on Life Method™ is NOT for You if You…

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Life's Too Short to Spend it Battling Food - or Your Body Image

If you’re doing everything right, and yet you’re still struggling with losing weight, you are not alone.

While 8 out of every 10 women have attempted to control their weight through restrictive eating, diets simply don’t work.

Instead, diets keep you stuck in a cycle of food deprivation and emotional eating that steals your time, energy, and self-esteem.

Dieting sets you up to fail and leads to collateral damage:

  • Risk of eating disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Slow down your metabolism
  • Hair loss
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Risk of developing Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a mental health condition in which you can’t stop thinking about one or more perceived flaws in your appearance
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Stuck to yo-yo dieting
  • Low self-confidence
  • Sleep disorders
  • Low immunity
  • Frustration and self-loathing
  • Lack of mental clarity
  • Toxic beliefs about your body and food
  • …AND weight gain!

You got one life to live. And life is really too short to waste it thinking about food instead of enjoying it and eating as you love yourself.

So, are you ready to begin your journey to body kindness?

There is a way to live binge-free, feel self-confident, and eat more while losing weight.

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What’s Included

Custom 12-week workout plan

Build muscles and tone up with or without gym equipment (you can choose whether you want to work out at home or gym).

Support and coaching

Correct exercise technique is extremely important. I will teach you the right way to perform exercises so that you can have the confidence to move as safely as possible.

30 minutes weekly catch-up

I will keep an eye on your progress and make any adjustments needed to help you achieve your goals and keep you accountable.

Personalised nutrition advice

I will help you fuel your body with the right nutrients while also taking into account your food preferences, dietary restrictions, budget, schedule, and more. I also provide gluten-free and vegan alternatives.

24/7 assistance

I am available any time to answer your questions and ensure you clear up any doubts that might arise before our weekly check-up.

Private community access

Feel supported and boost your confidence as you see other like-minded women following my program and achieving their goals.

Ongoing education

Have a full understanding of the methodology behind your personalised workout and nutrition plans.

Free eBooks & video tutorials

I’ll teach you great fitness and diet hacks and provide you with more information on how to achieve an amazing physical transformation.

Beyond body improvement

Break bad habits and make lifestyle changes. I am also providing support and accountability for other lifestyle goals you would like to achieve.

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When Your Relationship With Food is Affecting Your Life, the Time for a Change is Now

Is not an option anymore.

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Why Does the Bring on Life Method™ Work?

Bring on Life Method™ uses a unique combination of fitness coaching techniques, anti-diet values, personalised nutrition advice, and a compassionate approach to address the root issues of your relationship with food and your body.

I have created the method based on what I call the Holy Trinity – Fitness, Health, and Community.

It’s time to do things differently.

So, if you need someone to hold you accountable, understand your pain, help you make food your ally, and empower you to achieve your full potential, then the Bring on Life Method™ is exactly what you’re looking for.

If you’re reading this and feeling like I’m writing exactly for you, I am.

Because I know exactly how it feels to wear a large t-shirt when going to the beach.

I know exactly how it feels to dread social events because you’ve lost your self-confidence.

I know exactly how it feels to go out with your friends and feel like you don’t fit in.

That’s why I want you to join today, change your body and life, and become the best version of yourself so that I can be the last coach you ever get help from.

I want you to get rid of unwanted fat, not the food you love.

  • Build self-confidence
  • Learn to love food again
  • Lose weight and get a flat belly
  • No more bloating and digestive issues after every meal
  • Improve your body image
  • Find food freedom and love what you see in the mirror
  • Get rid of anxiety and achieve mental clarity
  • Balance your hormones
  • Feel strong and healthy
  • Stop feeling guilty after eating
  • Break up the yo-yo cycle of dieting
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