Can You Prevent Stretch Marks While Losing Weight?

preventing stretch marks when losing weight

Stretch marks (also called striae distensae or striae gravidarum) are red or purple markings on your skin that happen after your skin quickly stretches or shrinks. 

They often happen due to pregnancy, but they can also occur when gaining weight. 

Contrary to popular belief, most stretch marks are not actually caused by losing weight. 

As I mentioned before, weight gain is more likely to cause these annoying stretch marks on your skin.

When your body grows rapidly due to weight gain, your skin stretches to accommodate the growth.

If the skin is stretched too far, it can tear, which results in what is commonly known as stretch marks. The tearing occurs in the dermis, which is the middle layer of the skin.   

However, stretch marks are not visible until you lose weight. 

Especially when weight is lost quickly, stretch marks are more likely to become visible. As you lose weight and your body shrinks after stretching, your skin becomes looser and has more surface area than it did previously. 

As a result, stretch marks may appear more pronounced and wrinkly. 

If you’re worried about the appearance of your stretch marks and whether they’ll become visible when losing weight, read on. 

Here’s everything you need to know on how to care for stretch marks before and after weight loss.


How to Prevent Weight-Loss Stretch Marks


Sometimes, stretch marks do not disappear completely, and it’s not always possible to prevent them from forming. 

For many of us, they are a natural consequence of the physical transformations that take place throughout our lives. 

However, there are ways to make them less visible. 


Focus on the Right Nutrition


While there is no specific diet that can completely prevent stretch marks, consuming a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals can help to keep your skin healthy and elastic.

This, in turn, will reduce the risk or intensity of developing stretch marks while losing weight. 

Consuming foods that are rich in protein, such as lean meat, fish, nuts, and legumes, should help. 

Additionally, incorporating plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet will boost collagen production in your body, which can improve skin health and elasticity.

Collagen supplements can also provide a convenient way to ensure you’re getting the appropriate amount of collagen to keep your skin healthy and prevent stretch marks. 


Lose Weight at a Healthy Pace


As I mentioned before, stretch marks often occur due to skin shrinking as a result of quick weight loss. 

To prevent the formation of stretch marks resulting from weight loss, try to lose weight at a steady pace instead of all at once quickly. 

Following a fad diet that drastically reduces calories or a strenuous exercise routine can lead to rapid weight loss and subsequent development of stretch marks. 

Not to mention that rapid weight loss is also challenging to sustain in the long run and almost always backfires. This is because severe caloric restriction puts your body in starvation mode, which causes your body to burn fewer calories and cling more to fats.  

​​By adopting a consistent and sustainable approach to weight loss, you are more able to keep your skin healthy and supple and reduce the risk of developing stretch marks.


Avoid Excess Sugar Intake


We often hear that eating too much sugar may lead to weight gain, diabetes, and tooth decay. 

But did you know that consuming excess sugar can damage your skin’s elasticity?

This occurs due to a process called glycation, whereby the sugar present in your blood attaches to proteins.

This results in the generation of detrimental free radicals referred to as advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

When the levels of AGEs are high due to excessive sugar intake, they can damage the proteins that surround them.

The proteins that are more likely to be damaged as a result of the glycation process are collagen and elastin – the essential building blocks of your skin. 

Collagen and elastin are responsible for maintaining your skin firm and elastic which plays a significant role in reducing the risk of developing stretch marks. 

AGEs cause collagen and elastin to become brittle and dry, leaving your skin more prone to tearing.


Use a Stretch Mark Prevention Cream


You can prevent the impact of stretch marks when losing weight by using a prevention cream or oil that keeps your skin moisturised and makes it more flexible.  

Stretch mark treatments that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid or hydrolyzed collagen supplement, along with moisturising components, are highly effective in stimulating collagen production and improving the appearance of skin texture.

Additionally, using physical or chemical exfoliation and gentle massage can enhance the effects of these creams by improving local circulation. 

This helps to tighten and plump the skin, resulting in a smoother and more even appearance. 

There are also many stretch marks removal creams, lotions and gels that are available for purchase over the counter and might help reduce the visibility of your stretch marks. 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the application of hyaluronic acid was found to reduce the visibility of early stretch marks. 

Tretinoin and retinol, two types of retinoids, are also effective options that may  minimise the appearance of early stretch marks.


Stay Hydrated


Water is the primary component of our skin cells.    

Drinking enough water helps you keep your skin hydrated and soft and improve its elasticity and resilience. 

When your body is dehydrated, your skin becomes dry and flaky which makes it more prone to developing stretch marks. 

Drinking enough water also helps to flush out toxins from the body, which can improve the overall health of your skin and reduce inflammation. 

Inflammation is a contributing factor to the development of stretch marks because it weakens the skin’s structure, making it more prone to damage.

In addition to drinking water, you can also eat foods that are high in water content, such as melons, pineapple, strawberries, peaches, and oranges. 

Bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, and zucchini are also rich in water and therefore excellent options to include in your diet to promote hydration. 


The Bottom Line


When experiencing weight loss, stretch marks can become visible.

Although they do not suggest any serious medical problems, they can cause discomfort and pose an aesthetic concern. 

There are a few steps you can take to avoid the development of stretch marks and minimise the appearance of any existing ones. 

A balanced, no-sugar diet, adequate hydration, and the use of a stretch mark prevention cream or oil can help. You can also seek guidance from your dermatologist on additional options to prevent or remove your stretch marks. 

Stretch marks can be a frustrating side effect of rapid weight loss, but by taking a slower approach, you can give your skin the time it needs to adapt to changes in your body shape. The Bring on Life Method™ was specifically developed to offer a slow and steady approach to losing weight that can help you make progress at your own pace. Sign up for our one-on-one coaching program today to get expert guidance on nutrition, exercise, and self-care for sustainable, long-term results.    



Uwe Wollina, MD and Alberto Goldman – Management of stretch marks (with a focus on striae rubrae) 

University of Michigan – Stretch Marks (Striae Distensae) Clinical Studies 

Better Health Channel – Stretch marks 

F William Danby – Nutrition and aging skin: sugar and glycation Cleveland Clinic – Stretch Marks

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