Spot Reduction: Can You Really Target Fat Loss?

targeting fat loss

Can I target fat loss to specific areas of my body?

What can I do to just trim my waist?

Can you help me lose thigh fat?

As a personal trainer, these are some of the questions I get asked over and over again. 

The underlying theory behind spot reduction is that doing specific exercises will reduce fat in specific areas of the body.

For example, doing push-ups will reduce arm fat or doing abs will burn belly fat, or doing lunges will help you get smaller thighs.  

That’s why I often see women focusing only on working out troublesome areas instead of exercising their whole body. 

I have already addressed these questions on my blog before, but since they still pop up in my inbox, I thought I’d place the answer in one comprehensive and easy-to-find post.

So if you often complain about “problem areas” such as your thighs or arms, read on. 

We’ll do a deep dive into the science behind targeted fat loss and find out whether or not it’s possible to trim down just one area of your body.


Can You Target Fat Loss to a Specific Area of Your Body?


The short answer is no, you can’t. 

Targeted fat loss is an outdated concept. 

Don’t get me wrong – By debunking the myth, I don’t mean to demotivate you. 

Instead, I want to save you from future disappointment by explaining how fat loss actually works. 

So here’s the thing.

While you may have just one area of your body that you flinch at when you look in the mirror, it’s simply not possible to target fat loss to one part of your body, but not another. 

To understand why targeted fat loss is a myth, let’s have a look at how fat is really burned. 

Fat is created by excess calories. 

If you eat too much, your body will start depositing fat cells, called adipocytes, on your muscles and organs in order to store all the extra energy from a high-calorie intake – especially when a high-calorie diet is paired with a sedentary lifestyle.

On the other hand, when you work out and burn more calories than you’re eating, your body starts using the energy stored in your cells in the form of fat to fuel physical activity. Plus, it slows down fat storage. 

However, fat loss occurs all over the body. Contrary to popular belief, your body cannot pull fat just from specific areas.

This is because working out only specific areas of your body cannot isolate and burn subcutaneous fat (the fat under your skin that you can grab and pinch between your fingers) in that area specifically. 

For example, a study published by the National Library of Medicine revealed that working out one muscle group leads to increased levels of blood flow and lipolysis (the process by which fats are broken down in our bodies) in that area, but not enough to make a difference. 

Another study examined seven men and four women who trained their non-dominant legs for 12 weeks. That didn’t lead to any significant changes in lean mass, fat mass, or fat percentage in either leg.   

This means you can do all the squats you want – you will never get slimmer legs and lose thigh fat until you lower your overall body fat percentage. 

Not to mention that exercise alone won’t cause weight loss. Your body needs a caloric deficit to burn fat, and that is only achievable through a combination of physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet

So if you want to trim down specific areas of your body, targeting a specific muscle group without lowering your body fat percentage won’t do any good because the layer of fat covering your muscle will remain.   

You might ask yourself, “If spot reduction doesn’t work, why do so many popular workouts continue to suggest that it does?

The sad truth is that marketing about “spot reduction” can be misleading.

Often targeted fat loss is just a marketing scam aiming to sell fitness books, workout programs, DVDs, and more. 

For instance, you may purchase one workout for slimmer legs and one workout for a flatter stomach. 

Even worse, the myth of spot reduction is used to sell useless equipment that promises to slim down troublesome areas, such as tummy vibrating belts. Or, it’s used to sell weight loss pills and supplements that claim to quickly burn belly fat. 

But the truth is, the only area products promising targeted weight loss can actually slim down is your wallet. 

According to Scott Kahan, director of the National Center for Weight and Wellness (cited by The Washington Post), liposuction is the only method that actually works for spot reduction. 

However, he doesn’t encourage medical procedures for fat reduction because they do not provide the health benefits that a balanced diet and exercise do.  

You might also ask yourself, “If spot reduction doesn’t work, why do we carry more fat in specific areas of the body?

According to a study from Uppsala University published by Science Daily, genetics is the most determinant factor that influences where fat is stored in your body.

This is especially true for women due to the effect of sex hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone which can generate differences in body fat distribution. 

The take-home message here is that your body fat distribution is influenced by a  number of factors, including genetic and hormonal. 

So despite focusing on specific areas of your body during training, you will actually reduce fat stores all over your body – provided that you combine strength training with a healthy diet.


The Bottom Line


Spot reduction is nothing but fool’s gold. 

If burning those love handles or getting a flat tummy is the reason why you hit the gym, it’s time to change your approach to exercise.  

To see noticeable results, it is essential to opt for full-body training paired with a healthy diet that provides you with all the nutrients your body needs.

If you’re ready to take realistic steps towards fat loss, I’m here for you. 

While I cannot help you target fat loss to specific areas of your body, I can help you set achievable goals that align with your needs. I’m going to build a customised workout program for you and work closely with you to hold you accountable every step of the way. 

The Bring on Life Method is all about what you want for yourself and how I can best support you to get there. If you have any questions about my one-on-one program, please feel free to contact me.    



Yale Scientific Magazine – Targeted Fat Loss: Myth or Reality? 

The University of Queensland – What the health: Can you target fat loss to a specific area of the body? 

The Conversation – How does your body ‘burn’ fat? 

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